The Mysterious Phenomenon of “Paranormal Looping” Paranormal looping is a mysterious phenomenon where past events or actions appear to repeat, often tied to specific locations. Unlike traditional ghost sightings or poltergeist activity, looping does not involve direct interactions with the observer. Instead, it’s a “recording” of past events that replays repeatedly, like a video on…
Author: AdminsterMFCB
Understanding the Estes Method in Paranormal Research
Understanding the Estes Method in Paranormal Research The Estes Method is a relatively new and intriguing technique in paranormal research that has gained popularity in recent years. In 2016, three paranormal investigators developed this method. Karl Pfeiffer, Connor Randall, and Michelle Tate created it at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. It combines traditional…
How AI Can Enhance Paranormal Investigations and Research
This post illustrates how AI is changing the field of paranormal investigations. It provides clearer, more objective analysis. AI supports investigators in searching for patterns in ghost sightings and supernatural events. It’s a perfect example of blending high-tech tools with age-old mysteries, making AI a valuable partner in exploring the paranormal.
The Glowing Bodies of the Battle of Gettysburg: A Haunting Legacy
Explore the eerie accounts of glowing bodies on the Gettysburg battlefield, where witnesses reported an unexplained light over fallen soldiers. This post delves into the supernatural theories, historical accounts, and ongoing intrigue surrounding these paranormal sightings from the Civil War era.
Why do spirits remain in one location?
Why do spirits remain in certain locations? Theories range from traumatic events to strong emotional connections. This post explores the intriguing reasons why ghosts may be tied to specific places, blending folklore, psychology, and paranormal investigations.
How Does a Ouija Board Work?
Explore the mysteries, history, and controversies of Ouija boards in paranormal investigations. Learn how they’re used to communicate with the spirit world
Top 10 Tools for Paranormal Investigators
Beginner paranormal investigators can enhance their experiences with essential tools. Key items include a digital recorder for capturing EVP, EMF meters for detecting electromagnetic activity, infrared thermometers for heat anomalies, motion sensors for alerting to movements, laser grids for spotting disruptions, night vision cameras, spirit boxes for communication, tripods for stability, notebooks for documentation, and reliable flashlights. A curious mind and respect for spiritual entities are crucial.
How Can I Tell if my House is Haunted?
In this image, a curious investigator stands in an old house, hinting at the possibility of paranormal activity. A small ghostly figure in a picture frame raises questions about potential ghost sightings and unexplained supernatural phenomena in everyday environments.
Exploring Four Famous Poltergeist Hauntings: From Amherst to Enfield
Poltergeist hauntings have fascinated and terrified people for centuries. From the infamous Great Amherst Mystery in Canada to the terrifying Enfield Poltergeist in London, these supernatural events continue to captivate paranormal investigators and ghost enthusiasts alike. This blog post explores four of the most famous poltergeist cases in history, including the Greyfriars Cemetery in Scotland and Thornton Heath in England, where violent, unexplainable events left lasting marks on their communities.
Ectoplasm: The Mysterious Substance of the Paranormal
Ectoplasm, a mysterious substance tied to spiritual manifestations, was popularized during the spiritualism movement. Is it real or just an elaborate hoax?