Explore the eerie accounts of glowing bodies on the Gettysburg battlefield, where witnesses reported an unexplained light over fallen soldiers. This post delves into the supernatural theories, historical accounts, and ongoing intrigue surrounding these paranormal sightings from the Civil War era.
Category: Supernatural
The supernatural encompasses unexplained phenomena like ghosts, spirits, and mysterious occurrences. This category delves into sightings, theories, and paranormal investigations, offering insights into encounters beyond the ordinary. Discover stories, tools, and techniques that explore the mysteries of the supernatural world.
How Does a Ouija Board Work?
Explore the mysteries, history, and controversies of Ouija boards in paranormal investigations. Learn how they’re used to communicate with the spirit world
How Can I Tell if my House is Haunted?
In this image, a curious investigator stands in an old house, hinting at the possibility of paranormal activity. A small ghostly figure in a picture frame raises questions about potential ghost sightings and unexplained supernatural phenomena in everyday environments.
Exploring Four Famous Poltergeist Hauntings: From Amherst to Enfield
Poltergeist hauntings have fascinated and terrified people for centuries. From the infamous Great Amherst Mystery in Canada to the terrifying Enfield Poltergeist in London, these supernatural events continue to captivate paranormal investigators and ghost enthusiasts alike. This blog post explores four of the most famous poltergeist cases in history, including the Greyfriars Cemetery in Scotland and Thornton Heath in England, where violent, unexplainable events left lasting marks on their communities.
Ectoplasm: The Mysterious Substance of the Paranormal
Ectoplasm, a mysterious substance tied to spiritual manifestations, was popularized during the spiritualism movement. Is it real or just an elaborate hoax?
What is a Poltergeist?
A poltergeist is a type of supernatural entity. It is widely known for creating physical disturbances like moving objects. They can also make loud noises or even interact with people. The word “poltergeist” comes from German, where “polter” means to make noise, and “geist” means ghost or spirit.
What is a Paranormal Investigation?
A paranormal investigation explores supernatural activity using tools like EVP recorders, spirit boxes, and laser grids. Investigators work in haunted locations, gathering evidence to determine whether strange occurrences are paranormal or have natural explanations.
Why Do Paranormal Entities Appear Clothed and Not Naked? A Paranormal Theory
In paranormal investigations, one curious question emerges: why do ghosts appear clothed instead of naked? This phenomenon has sparked intriguing theories about the nature of ghost sightings and the spiritual realm. Explore the various perspectives from ghost hunters and delve into famous haunted locations around the world.
Why Are Some Places More Paranormally Active Than Others?
When it comes to paranormal investigations, one question that often arises is: why are some places more active with paranormal phenomena than others? Some locations seem to have an abundance of ghostly encounters, strange apparitions, or unexplained occurrences, while others remain completely quiet. What factors contribute to the heightened paranormal activity in certain places? Here…
Tips to Isolate EVP Responses for Easier Listening
Learn practical tips to isolate EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) clips during paranormal investigations. Discover the best techniques for removing background noise, enhancing clarity, and making faint voices easier to hear in your EVP recordings for more accurate analysis.